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Backcountry Land Navigation Course

Time is TBD


Woodsrunner School- Meet Up Location

With these skills, our students will have the ability to travel and use the terrain to their advantage. Students will learn that these various skills greatly increase one’s ability to overcome a crisis situation and find rescue.

Backcountry Land Navigation Course
Backcountry Land Navigation Course

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Woodsrunner School- Meet Up Location, 49 Brick House Rd, Whitmire, SC 29178, USA

About the Event

Back Country Land Navigation

Today’s technology sometimes fools us into a false sense of security. In the uncharted and rarely traveled woods, relying on a smartphone for navigation will only work for so long and take us so far. Getting lost can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. The inevitability of relying on techniques outside of modern technology is a definite reason to have solid navigational skills. These skills are critical when navigating terrain outside your comfort zone.

Our instructors have designed this course for anyone who travels on the trail or wishes to leave the beaten path to experience the wilderness in its purest form. We provide the essential skills students need, including compass usage, map reading, terrain analysis, and even the confidence to pick the safest routes available using proven measures.

With these skills, our students will have the ability to travel and use the terrain to their advantage. Students will learn that these various skills greatly increase one’s ability to overcome a crisis situation and find rescue.

Wilderness Skills & Topics Covered: 

  • Understanding the parts of maps and a compass
  • How to read a compass and a map
  • Navigating using a topographic map
  • ​How to orient a map using a compass
  • Using pace beads or rocks to determine the traveled distance
  • Adjusting for declination and its effects on the compass
  • Finding a bearing between two points on the map
  • Using a bearing to traverse off the trail
  • Accounting for terrain and vegetation to create travel plans
  • Use of handrails and backstops
  • Determine one’s current location
  • Navigating during the night
  • Explore the importance of wilderness awareness
  • And so much more

Course Outlook: 

This course requires hands-on participation by our students in order for them to establish and acclimate themselves to their individual paces. Land navigation is a skill that we acquire only through experience and practice in the field. Students will conquer the wilderness both during the day and at night, all while simultaneously using a map, compass, and pace beads or rocks. We strongly suggest that students wear adequately protective and supportive footwear and clothing, and prepare to walk short distances over uneven terrain.

Upon completion of the Land Navigation course, students will be able to effectively read a topographical map and describe the terrain of the area their maps represent. Students will also have the ability to adequately use only a compass and pace count to help them safely navigate their way in and out of wooded and rugged areas.

Prerequisite: No Prerequisites Required

Eligibility Requirements: Students must be at least 12 years old. All students younger than 16 must be accompanied by a paid parent or legal guardian.

Meetup Location: Students need to meet our staff near The Brick House Campground, 49 Brick House Rd, Whitmire, SC Between the hours of 9:00 AM & 9:30 AM Saturday morning. 

Directions:  From I-26, take exit #60 (SC 66), and drive east for 3.5 miles. Turn right onto Forest Service Road 358 and drive .1 miles. There is a field just a short drive to your left. You will see our staff members parked at the entrance of the field to meet you. Turn in and they will provide you with instructions. (This is the meetup location unless otherwise noted). From there you will be led to the school property.


  • Backcountry Land Navigation




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