The Woodsrunner School is the leading establishment for survival and wilderness skills education, offering a comprehensive range of outdoor skills. We specialize in wilderness survival, bushcraft, primitive skills, and wilderness medicine, aspiring to provide the best self-reliance training available.
Since our inception, we have had the privilege of training many individuals in the art of self-reliance. We are recognized for the diversity of courses we offer and the professionalism of our teaching methods.
Safety, enjoyment, and learning are at the forefront of everything we do. By using explanation demonstration, and direct hands-on application, our students leave with a desire to gain as much experience as possible.
Our courses and workshops are designed to guide our students on a path to understanding that modern gear is not always a necessity. We teach the art of using skills, knowledge, and improvisation techniques so that one can begin to utilize natural resources to address their needs within a wilderness environment.
We offer a secure, high-quality educational experience to anyone interested in learning how to prepare for entering the wilderness and understanding their surroundings. It is through our teaching methods that individuals can embark on their journey off the beaten path with confidence the ability to connect with nature.
To help as many people as we can to acquire the self-reliance skills and knowledge necessary BEFORE they ever need them.
Many schools lure students in by offering lessons on the ‘COOL’ or ‘POP’ survival skills that are often seen on TV and in social media. We feel it is our ethical obligation to focus on the skills that are proven to work and will keep one alive in a crisis situation and thrive in others.
There are many different philosophies used to teach self-reliance skills. Some utilize an extreme approach while others focus on a totally opposite spectrum by focusing on a connection with nature.
Many of the skills and knowledge that are utilized in one approach are also used by other approaches...meaning that they overlap, but are used in different ways. No one approach is necessarily "better" than another.
The Woodsrunner School incorporates an eclectic approach, meaning that we utilize many different methods and areas of focus, to better meet the needs and interests of our students.
Yet another thing that sets us apart is our focus on the Woodsrunner “Family”. It is a well-known idea that family does not always mean those connected by flesh & blood. Being part of the community allows our students to grow and connect with others who have similar interests and ideals. Our students feel a sense of belonging and acceptance that is not always easily found in today’s society. It is in this environment that many students report feeling safe, cared for, and open to share their experiences.

Our experienced instructors come from a variety of backgrounds including education, law enforcement, first responders, and military, as well as, being trained and certified in Wilderness First-Aid and Emergency Medical Responders. They each draw on many years of experience both in and out of the US.
All of our courses and events are fully risk assessed and frequently examined and amended when necessary to better protect our students.
Whether you’re making plans for your next hiking, hunting, or wilderness excursion and need self-reliance training, then you’ve found the right place.
We are professional, experienced, dedicated, and we care.